
Lil sprout

Hello and happy summer!

I'm finally on vacation for the summer, which should mean that I will have more time to make things and share them here with you.

Over the course of the last few weeks as the weather has started getting nicer, I've developed a new love for plants. I currently have four in my room, and despite my lack of green thumb none of them have died so I must be doing something right.

Earlier this weekend I only had two but the herbs I was growing in the kitchen were starting to outgrow their tiny container so I went out and got two new little terra cotta pots and painted them.

I put my herbs in the pink one and a succulent that my mom received as a gift in the green one (she kindly donated the succulent to my little sprout collection). The plant in the back is a peace lily that has not grown at all in the two weeks I've had it. 

Using acrylic paint, I painted both pots white. I had to do several coats of paint because the terra cotta kept absorbing the color, but the paint dried quickly so it wasn't really a problem. Then I used the brighter colors to paint the rim and, using a Q-tip, the polka dots. Now, at this point, I should probably (definitely) have waited longer before putting on Mod-Podge to varnish the pots but I only waited the amount of time it took to paint the dishes underneath the pots. Apparently that's why the Mod-Podge made little bubbles on the paint. Honestly it doesn't really matter to me. 

I semi-successfully repotted the herbs and the succulent and as of right now they seem to be doing okay. I've been putting them on the windowsill of my room during the day and on my dresser at night but honestly I have no clue what I'm doing. If anyone has any suggestions on plant care feel free to expand my knowledge in the comments.

Have a fantastic week (and a great start to summer vacation if that applies to you)!

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