It's been a while since I've made an outfit post, so get excited cause here it is, the most recent addition to Wardrobe 2.0!
We start with a pattern from a great little place called Purlbee, I so name the City Gym Shorts. Then we take cute flowery fabric and leftover chambray, as well as a lot of black bias tape and the remaining scraps of elastic buried at the back of the crafts closet.
And then we get a super easy to make pair of shorts that of course are too small.

They're not ridiculously small, just small enough that I'm extremely frustrated. I've made a pair of these before and the size was perfect! I didn't change anything to the pattern except that I used chambray instead of linen for the back.
I don't know what I did wrong, and it was only when I was done that I realized that the shorts did not fit as well as I had hoped. However, despite the sizing mishaps, it is one of the better-made pieces of clothing that I have ever sewn. The edge stitching on the bias is straighter than on anything I've made before, and the pattern is just overall very easy to follow, I highly recommend it (although I would recommend to pay attention to the size that you're making).
And because another part of the IB requirements (see previous post) also require 50 hours of creativity, making these shorts counted as part of my creative hours.
Time spent: 2h10
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