
Benedict Otterbatch


Now you remember when I said that I had a *slight* obsession with Sherlock BBC? Yes. I still do.

I also said that I wouldn't plague you with the details of my thoughts on the show, but it kind of goes hand in hand with what I did today.
I made a Benedict Otterbatch.

Largely inspired by this picture.

I had to.
I couldn't not make a Benedict Otterbatch.

So I fiddled around with patterns from the book that gave me the bunny featured here and made something that kind of looks like an otter, kind of looks like a bear.

You can tell he isn't a bear though, because of his tail.
In my mind, he's an otter and his name is Benedict.

He is entirely hand made with fake fur (I will never sew real fur, if it puts your mind at ease). I designed the pattern last night but couldn't be bothered to actually sew it. I believe that when you make something, especially a stuffed animal, you should be in the right mindset, and I really wasn't.

So I worked on another project that you will hopefully be seeing very soon (muahaha, cliff-hanger) and sewed all of this today. It was fun, I can't believe that it only took me a few hours.
Pensive Benedict is busy deducing things.

Too much Sherlock.

I promise the next post will be less... fangirl-y.

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