
A time-traveling dragon companion

Hello my fellow Blue Cats!

So recently, I have become infatuated interested in a British TV show that most people have, if not seen, at least heard of.

I speak of course, of Doctor Who.

And what do I do when I discover a new show to love? I make myself a little companion to watch said show with. You may recall my infatuation interest in Sherlock BBC at which time, I made myself an Otterbatch.

Now to completely explain this new companion, let me just say that you may have noticed a trend in the stuffed animals that I make and yes.
I do love dragons.
I enjoy drawing and sewing dragons (although to be fair to myself, the sewings are often much nicer than the drawings).

And so without further ado, I present to you...
Tardis the dragon!

This is Tardis, he is a dragon. And to all those hardcore Whovians out there, yes, I am aware that the Tardis is a female, but I decided that my dragon was a guy named Tardis and that's that.

He has become my loyal Doctor Who watching companion. He is the perfect size for hugging when something sad happens (which is quite often) and for perching on my shoulder when I feel like being a pirate.

I think I may have messed up his back spikes because they don't stand up right, but oh well. He wouldn't be a Blue Cat creation if he was perfect (I feel like I always say that, but it's 100% true. )

I made him out of dark blue fleece for the main body, light blue fleece for the belly and feet pads and snowflake-y light blue cotton for the ears and spikes.

He is made using this wonderful pattern that I got at the start of a four-day weekend. It's been awhile since I've made something for myself, it was nice. I finished sewing him in maybe two days? I followed my bad habit of watching TV and sewing at the same time, which means that I missed half the episode and had to pull out quite a few stitches, but he turned out all right.

Tardis is entirely hand-sewn except for the details on his wings and ears. (Which incidentally was the hardest part to do because for some reason the machine never does what I want it to. I never have that problem when I hand sew!)

My attempt at a photo shoot until I eventually build myself a light box and am able to take proper pictures.  The Converses are my little nod to the Tenth Doctor. (As always, if I'm making references you don't understand, ignore me, this hasn't got anything to do with sewing.)

So there you go! I actually sewed him last week, and I've been incredibly lazy when it comes to uploading, but now that I've got my computer back, I will attempt to stick to a more regular schedule. That is, of course, assuming that I actually have time to make stuff, which might be a little hard to juggle. I'll do my best!

Tardis is patiently awaiting a time-travelling mad man to whisk him away in a blue box to travel the stars. In the meantime, he's stuck on Earth with me. 

Have a lovely day!

Fun fact about Tardis the dragon: he has two hearts. I literally made two little hearts and stuck them in when I was stuffing him, just like they do at Build-A-Bear's workshop. 

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