
Philip: A Bear-y Inspiring Success Story

The cheesy titles are back and I have no regrets.

Before I start relating to you the enthralling tale of my success story, let me paint you a little picture. At the beginning of the summer, I was in a creative slump. Nothing I designed seemed to work, nothing I sewed fell into place (insert the too-small pair of shorts here) and I was just in a funk that I couldn't seem to get out of. It's like writer's block, when your words get all jumbled up and nothing sounds quite as it should.

Anyway, I left for France in the beginning of July and began a super simple knitting pattern. It took me several tries to get the size right, but in the end, one of my more successful projects fell from my needles. I then began designing something (it's a secret, you'll find out soon enough) and to my great surprise (and relief) it worked and it looked good! I had actually sat down and written out the design process as I was doing it too, so it was a proper project.

When I got home, I knew I wanted to design a stuffed animal. I knew how I wanted it to look, and how I wanted it to feel. So I was a responsible designer and drew out pattern pieces, dug out some old denim from my closet and proceeded to create something that was absolutely not what I wanted.

Back to the drawing board.
This time, however, it worked.

This is my bear. I made it all by myself, pattern and all, and I am pretty darn proud of the result.

It started out as a sheep, but right now it's a bear. It also, surprisingly, doesn't have a name. Maybe I'll call him Philip.

So Philip is the result of many hours of creator's block, a summer of chill knitting, and finally, proper designing procedures, and I am so proud of how he turned out. I love the lanky limbs and big feet and slightly floppy head. Figuring out what he should wear was easily the longest part of the process because conventional shirts and other items of clothing don't quite fit.

So that's the story of Philip the sheep-bear-thing that sits on my desk and watches me work while silently giving off good vibes. It's very difficult to take a picture of his entire body, but if I make another Philip (which I think I will) I will take clearer pictures.

The moral of this story is, if you're in a creative slump, find a simple project with a simple pattern and watch a lot of episodes of Friends while making said project. It helps, I promise.

On that note, have a nice week!