
Fingerless Gloves Complete!

I learned a valuable lesson while making these gloves, a truth about myself: I love fingerless gloves, but what gets me is the fact that I have to make two of them. I barely have enough focus to make one, but two? No way. Yet, here they are, my gloves that will serve the noble purpose of keeping me warm and still allowing me to change the song on my iPod.

These are made in 100% merino wool on size 4.5 needles. They're basically a stockinette tube with some ribbing along the edge. I made up the pattern as I went along. The color is darker than in the pictures and I'm really happy with the end result. You can't tell in these pictures, but the gloves reach up to my elbows and the reason I like them so much is that they aren't bulky, which means I can easily wear them under my sleeves.
That's one project complete, which is always wonderful when you're working on three at once. Next on the list: my mom wants the same ones for Christmas, except that she wants thumbs on hers and doesn't want them to be quite so long. So here we go again!

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